Thursday Feb 13, 2025
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM EST
Thursday, February 13, 2025 5 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Please arrive early to settle in and order your food or beverages if you’d like.
Throwback Brewery's Jericho's Landing Function Room, 7 Hobbs Road, North Hampton
Science Cafes are free. Donations are always welcome. Please register online so we know how many guests to expect.
Great Bay 2030 Panel Discussion with CLF Great Bay Waterkeeper Melissa Paly, Lynn Vaccaro from The Great Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve and Trevor Mattera, Habitat Program Manager for UNH Piscataqua Region Estuaries Partnership. The vision of Great Bay 2030 is to promote a healthy Great Bay estuary system distinguished by clean water, accessible lands for recreation and education, habitat for fish and wildlife, climate resilience, and engaged communities committed to supporting the watershed for generations to come.
Sponsored by the non-profit Gundalow Company this by-donation Science Cafe is at Throwback Brewery Jericho's Landing Function Room.
The Piscataqua Science Cafe series runs during the Gundalow Company’s off season at locations around the seacoast. Each night brings in experts from a variety of backgrounds together for a discussion about current science topics.
Printed courtesy of – Contact the Greater Dover Chamber of Commerce for more information.
550 Central Avenue, Dover, NH 03820 – (603) 742-2218 –