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  • The Dover, Rollinsford, South Berwick Lions Club to award $1,000 scholarships to 2025 graduating seniors

    The Dover, Rollinsford, South Berwick Lions Club will be awarding $1,000 scholarships to 2025 graduating senior(s).
    1.  Applicant must be a resident of Dover, Rollinsford or South Berwick.
    2. Envelopes must be postmarked no later than 19 March 2025.
    3. Applications must include:

    • Cover page that includes applicants name, contact info, and course of study
    • Three (3) signed letters of recommendation, two from teachers from the high school of graduation and one from a non-familial adult.  Parent or guardian recommendations are not accepted.
    • Details of extracurricular activities; such as performing arts, national societies, publication staff, student council, academic clubs and volunteerism.
    • Other community activities such as scouts, church, civil air patrol, JROTC, etc.
    • High School transcripts (copies allowed), verified by the school counselor.
    • Proof of intent to pursue a college or vocational education, verified by the school or counselor.  Please include an acceptance letter, or similar, from the college or vocational school.
    • Overview in the form of a letter capturing the following:
      • Why student is applying for scholarship
      • A statement detailing why the DRSB Lions Club should award the scholarship to the applicant
      • How course of study relates to Lions Club International focus areas (i.e., cancer, diabetes, eyesight, food insecurity, environment)
      • Letter must be signed by applicant
     4.  Notifications will be made no later than 12 May 2025
    Please submit materials to:
    DRSB Lions Club
    Attn:  Scholarship Committee
    PO Box 531
    Rollinsford, NH 03869
    Or a single PDF document to  lionsdrsb@gmail.com with “Scholarship” in the subject line.